Other Ministries

Other Ministries



Ministry Chair/ Leader Email Address 
Audio-Visual  Phyllislorena Smiley psmiley@bigbethelame.org
Azira Hill Acolytes Donna Williams dmw944@aol.com
Babcock Young Voices of Unity Clarissa Robinson dr.knowlton@yahoo.com
Bag Lunch Marie Blake marieblake@bellsouth.net
Bearden Scott Youth Choir Nicole Chapman nchapman1880@gmail.com
Bethel Towers Outreach Tim Crim?? cmoore1102@aol.com
Bethel-Trinity House Partnership Rev.Charmain Purvis/Rev. Evvy Jones cpurvis@bigbethelame.org
Big Bethel Chorale Shelley Webster shelley@shelleywebster.com
Big Bethel Credit Union Linda Williams lfwilliams15@gmail.com
Big Bethel Village Rev. Monica Jones florosb@bellsouth.net; mjonesphd@hotmail.com
Black History & Heritage Richard Marion rmarion1@aol.com
Caregivers Ministry Dr. Jackie Michael jmichael@westga.edu
Class Leaders Carolyn Smith carolyn.elaine.93@gmail.com
Come on Home for Christmas Dr. Jackie Michael jmichael@westga.edu
Emily's Haven Rev. Joyce Young joyousjcy@yahoo.com
Habitat for Humanity Jerome Crawl jcrawl1960@gmail.com
Handbells Choir   ~~~~~~~~~~ Brenda G. Thomas lljolly@comcast.net
Health Ministry Bill Petty petybl@aol.com
Heaven Bound Jory Young gregorycoleman@jhclawyers.com
Horizon of Hope Youth Ushers Ed Jones erjones@bigbethelame.org
Jazz Vespers Ministry Rev. Joyce Young joyousjcy@yahoo.com
Johnson Schofield Male Chorus Richard Marion rmarion1@aol.com
Joseph Lane Male Ushers William Coleman william.coleman@bfgincorporated.com
Juvenile Justice (Ark of Safety) Rev. Bessie Donaldson revbessie@yahoo.com
Kwanzaa-Sol Liturgical Dance  Rosalyn Johnson rosalynjohnson@yahoo.com
Lay Organization( Edge Cannon) Guy Howard  guyathome@gmail.com
Love Feast Rev.Charmain Purvis cpurvis@bigbethelame.org
Married Couples Leadership Council Guy Howard/ Gloria Howard guyathome@gmail.com
MOBB Cornelius Pettway/Morgan Johnson c.pettway07@live.com; morgan.johnson32@yahoo.com
Morris Brown College Dr. Stanley Pritchett stanpritchett@bellsouth.net
New Members-Discipleship Rev.Charmain Purvis cpurvis@bigbethelame.org
Philippians Racquel Battle benita7816@att.net
Praise & Worship Ensemble Nathaniel Fisher nfisher@bigbethelame.org
Prayer Warriors Rev. Bessie Donaldson revbessie@yahoo.com
Prison Ministry Rev. Wilbert Hobbs wilberthobbs@att.net
Richard Allen Outreach Center Rev. John Foster/Bettieanne Hart jfoster@bigbethelame.org; bettieannehart@yahoo.com
Samuel Hopkins Giles Ushers Ed Jones erjones@bigbethelame.org
Seniors Cornelia Jordan rosiemhunter@yahoo.com
Sick & Shut-In/ Nursing Care Rev. Andrea Lewis alewis@bigbethelame.org
Signs of Praise Mime Ministry Jory Young samurayoung@gmail.com
Social Action Cyril Mayes cmayes.99@gmail.com
Sons of Allen Floyd Baxter florosb@bellsouth.net
Steward Board Dr. Stanley Pritchett stanpritchett@bellsouth.net
Stewardess Board - Eva B Watson Daphne Stowe dbstowe@comcast.net
Stewardess Board - R.T. Bussey Alicia Oden amgo1950@yahoo.com
Stewardship and Finance Committee Alvin Francis alfrancis@charter.net
Storge College Ministry Shawn Tidwell/Roz Thomas  shawnl.tidwell@gmail.com
Sunday  School Everett Jolly joll@comcast.net
Transportation / Van William Dye III dye3family1@bellsouth.net
Trustee Board Floyd Baxter florosb@bellsouth.net
Under the Shephards Care Roz Thomas  rozrr@bellsouth.net
Usherette Board #1 Gloria Pritchett mamaria30311@aol.com
Usherette Board #2 Sharon Humphery mariawhitetillman@gmail.com
Usherette Board #3 Nannette McGee nannettemcgee@aol.com
Womens Missionary Society Cheryl Taylor ct72spelgirl@gmail.com
Worship & Arts Ministry Council Nathaniel Fisher nfisher@bigbethelame.org
Young Adults Thrive Ministry Rev. Jessica Buford jbuford@bigbethelame.org
Youth Church Rev. Ali Holness-Roland aholness.bigbethelyouthchurch@gmail.com
YPD Clarissa Carmichael cbenitaj@comcast.net